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Extended TestPlease note, an extended driving test is an extra £62 for the DSVA test fee and may also take several weeks to secure.
If you have good control of the vehicle but need to improve on the manoeuvres and/or complicated traffic systems and are not too far off test standard then this is the course for you. The course is usually completed over 3 days with the test on the final day but can be arranged to suit your requirements.
ExperiencePrevious experience – 25 hours with an instructor
Course Duration1 Day3-5days
Deposit Required:£375
AttributesValues0-01-2 days
Extended TestPlease note, an extended driving test is an extra £62 for the DSVA test fee and may also take several weeks to secure.
Have you recently failed a test, or are looking to polish up on your existing driving skills? Have you have done lots of driving lessons and think you are close to test standard? Then this course is for you. The course is usually completed over 2 days with the test on the final day but can be arranged to suit your requirements.
ExperiencePrevious Experience- 30hrs with an instructor.
Course Duration1 Day2-3days
Practical TestIncluded0-01-2 days
Deposit Required:£325
Extended TestPlease note, an extended driving test is an extra £62 for the DSVA test fee and may also take several weeks to secure.
If you have good control of the vehicle but need to improve on the manoeuvres and/or complicated traffic systems and are not too far off test standard then this is the course for you. The course is usually completed over 3 days with the test on the final day but can be arranged to suit your requirements.
ExperiencePrevious experience – 25 hours with an instructor
Course Duration1 Day3-5days
Deposit Required:£375
Extended TestPlease note, an extended driving test is an extra £62 for the DSVA test fee and may also take several weeks to secure.
This course is designed for pupils with a good basic control of the vehicle and have covered most of the syllabus. You will have practised some manoeuvres already and a also be a fairly confident driver.
Experience20 hours with an instructor
Course Duration1 Day4-7days
Deposit Required:£475
Extended TestPlease note, an extended driving test is an extra £62 for the DSVA test fee and may also take several weeks to secure.
A course designed for pupils who have had 10 to 15hrs driving tuition already or haven’t driven for a while.
Experience15 hours with an instructor
Course Duration1 Day5-10days
Deposit Required:£700
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Pay Full course balance of £135 securely by credit or debit card.

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Pay Full course balance of £9 securely by credit or debit card.



I accept the Terms & Conditions Intensive drive operates as an agent connecting students to DVSA-approved driving instructors and offering a fast-track test booking service.

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